Johann Agricola (composer)

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Johann Agricola , also Johann Agricola Noricum or Johannes Noricum , (* around 1570 in Nuremberg , † around 1605 in Erfurt ) was a German composer.


Around 1594 Johann Agricola was a discantist at the Weimar court orchestra. He later worked as a professor at the Augustiner grammar school in Erfurt. He emerged as a composer of motets and cantiones. These were published between 1601 and 1611.


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Individual references and comments

  1. a b Robert Eitner, 1/1900, Volume 1. according to Bavarian Music Lexicon Online (LMU).
  2. "Noricum" is mostly reproduced by the music lexicons as "from Nuremberg".
  3. a b Riemann Musiklexikon , 1959.