Johann Baptist Rottenstein

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Johann Baptist Rottenstein (known in France as Jean-Baptiste Rottenstein ; born January 20, 1832 in Frankfurt am Main , † unknown) was a German dentist who practiced in Paris and published numerous dental works.


Little is known about the life of Johann Baptist Rottenstein. In the State Handbook of the Free City of Frankfurt it is listed in 1859 with a practice at Zeil 38, in 1862 together with Georg Carl Hermann Rottenstein at Roßmarkt 21, in 1863 as away from home and from 1864 at Roßmarkt 21 next to the dentist Georg Carl Hermann Rottenstein Exchange broker Georg Thomas Benjamin Gottlob Rottenstein. At this time he was also appointed Ducal Coburg-Gothaschen court dentist.

Rottenstein was active in Paris from 1864 at the latest: Theodor Leber , who studied in Paris between 1864 and 1867, met Rottenstein there at a meeting of the Association of German Doctors in Paris. Together they undertook a study of the cause of tooth decay and were the first to establish a connection between sugar and bacteria. From 1864 to 1870 Rottenstein was the last librarian of the Association of German Doctors in Paris and, among other things, was responsible for transporting the books to Germany. On December 19, 1879 , he was accepted into the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina . In 1880 he published the “ Traité d'anesthésie chirurgicale ” in Paris before emigrating to America.

Rottenstein was married to Friederike Untzelmann von Franscky from Düsseldorf , who was accepted as a citizen in Frankfurt on July 5, 1858.

Works (selection)

  • The care and treatment of teeth and their restoration through art . According to the principles of American dentistry for practical use for the public and for dentists. H. Keller, Frankfurt am Main 1857.
  • The painless extraction of teeth by means of galvanism . H. Keller, Frankfurt am Main 1858.
  • Traitement de la fissure congénitale du palais pour obtenir la prononciation normal . Extrait lu par l'auteur à la société médicale allemande de Paris le 11 may 1865. Victor Masson et fils, Paris 1865 (French, online ).
  • Th. Leber and JB Rottenstein: Investigations into the caries of the teeth . With two lithographed plates. Verlag von August Hirschwald, Berlin 1867, urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb10391461-9 .
  • Th. Leber et JB Rottenstein: Recherches sur la carie dentaire . Avec 2 planches lithographiées. Adrien Delahaye, Paris 1868 (French, online ).
  • Leber and Rottenstein: Dental Caries and its causes . An Investigation into the Influence of Fungi in the Destruction of the Teeth. Translated by Thomas H. Chandler. With illustrations. Lindsay & Blakiston, Philadelphia 1873 (English, online ).
  • Traité d'anesthésie chirurgicale . Contenant la description et les applications de la méthode anesthésique de M. Paul Bert. Avec 44 figures intercalées dans le texte. Librairie Germer Baillière et Cie, Paris 1880 (French, online ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Willi Ule : History of the Imperial Leopoldine-Carolinian German Academy of Natural Scientists during the years 1852–1887 . With a look back at the earlier times of its existence. In commission at Wilh. Engelmann in Leipzig, Halle 1889, list of members according to the chronological order of their entry from 1860 to December 31, 1887, p. 211 ( online ).
  2. The information about the year of his death is given in the literature as 1891 and 1897, an exact date of death is not recorded in any publication.
  3. ^ State manual of the Free City of Frankfurt . Georg Friedrich Krug's Verlags-Buchhandlung, Frankfurt (1859 p. 56; 1862 p. 55; 1863 p. 56; 1864 p. 49, 55).
  4. He carries this title u. a. in the treatise: On the use of the Caotchoucs to support artificial teeth . In: Rudolf Christian Böttger (Hrsg.): Polytechnical note sheet for traders, manufacturers and artists . 15th year, no. 1 . Publishing house by CG Kunze, Mainz 1860, p. 1-3 .
  5. ^ A b Mareike König: Libraries of German Immigrants in Paris (1850-1914) . User and holdings (=  Konrad Umlauf [Hrsg.]: Berlin handouts for library and information science . Issue 205). Institute for Library and Information Science at the Humboldt University Berlin, Berlin 2007, p. 18-19 ( online [PDF]).
  6. ^ Intelligence sheet of the free city of Frankfurt . 3rd supplement to No. 164 July 14, 1858 ( online ).