Johann Baptist Schöllhorn

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Johann Baptist Schöllhorn (born March 16, 1922 in Bischofsmais ; † December 6, 2009 in Kiel ) was a German State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Economics and President of the State Central Bank in Schleswig-Holstein .


Schöllhorn did military service from 1940 and was in captivity until 1949.

From 1949 to 1952 he completed a degree in economics and was then a research assistant at the Ifo Institute for Economic Research in Munich until 1955. Schöllhorn was a graduate economist and was awarded a Dr. oec. publ. PhD.

From 1956 to 1972 he was at the BMWi, initially until 1962 as an assistant in Section IA 1 (fundamental questions of economic policy), from 1959 also in Section E 1 (general European economic, monetary and economic policy; coordination of European finance and agriculture -, transport and social policy). From 1962 to 1964 he was Head of Division IA 8 (Economic Policy), then until 1966 Head of Sub-Division IA (Fundamental Issues of Economic Policy and International Economic Cooperation). From 1967 to 1972 he was a permanent state secretary .

From 1973 to 1989 Schöllhorn was President of the Landeszentralbank in Schleswig-Holstein, and from 1976 to 1989 he was also a member of the Board of Directors of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel.


Schöllhorn played a key role in the creation of the Stability and Growth Act and thus contributed to anchoring price level stability as a goal in German economic policy.

Individual evidence

  1. Johann Baptist Schöllhorn in the Munzinger Archive , accessed on December 22, 2009 ( beginning of article freely accessible)
  2. Schöllhorn, Johann Baptist . Cabinet minutes of the federal government online biographies. Retrieved December 22, 2009.