Johann Baptist Schwab

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Johann Baptist Schwab (born January 3, 1811 in Haßfurt , † March 25, 1872 in Würzburg ) was a German Catholic theologian and historian .


He studied in Würzburg from 1829. After being ordained a priest in 1834, he was appointed extraordinary professor for canon law and church history in Würzburg in 1840 and in 1841 a full professor.


  • Hans Rall : The case of the Würzburg professor of canon law and church history Johann Baptist Schwab . in: Würzburg diocesan history sheets . 26 (1964), pp. 334-341, ISSN  0342-3093 .
  • Manfred Weitlauff : The case of the Würzburg church historian Johann Baptist Schwab (1811–1872) . in: Church between departure and refusal . Stuttgart 2001. pp. 103-139, ISBN 3-17-016967-X .

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