Johann Casimir von Gemmingen

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Johann Casimir von Gemmingen (* July 16, 1740 ; † January 17, 1772 ) was a lawyer at the Imperial Court of Justice in Wetzlar and landlord in Bürg .


Johann Casimir came from the Bürg-Presteneck branch of the Barons of Gemmingen and was a son of Casimir von Gemmingen (1697–1769) and Eberhardine Luise von Wallbronn (1701–1762). The parents had 13 children, but only some of them reached adulthood. Johann Casimir was the only son who came to years. He was brought up in the house of his parents by the later Cleversulzbacher pastor Rabausch, studied law in Tübingen and then took up a position at the Reich Chamber of Commerce in Wetzlar . He belonged to the entourage of Emperor Joseph II at the coronation in Frankfurt. Due to his poor health and his domestic obligations, he resigned his offices, whereupon he married in 1770. In the famine year of 1771 he made a name for himself as a benefactor of the subjects. He died in 1772 at the age of 31.


He was married to Charlotte Wilhelmine von Gemmingen-Gemmingen († 1791), a distant relative, since 1770. The marriage had two children.


  • Ludwig Eberhard (1771–1831) ⚭ Luise von Berlichingen
  • Friedrich Carl Gustav Casimir (1770–1841) ⚭ Marianna Christiane Wilhelmine Countess von Zettwitz († 1851)
