Johann Christoph Voigtländer

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Johann Christoph Voigtländer

Johann Christoph Voigtländer (born November 19, 1732 in Leipzig , † June 27, 1797 in Vienna ) was an optician and inventor.

Voigtländer, the son of a master carpenter, came to Prague as early as 1755 and to Vienna in the same year and worked from 1757 to 1762 in Meinicke's workshop, which at the time manufactured mathematical instruments. The Minister of State, Prince von Kaunitz, became aware of him through his skillful achievements and in 1763 the Empress Maria Theresia issued him a so-called "Commerzien-Schutzdekret on the manufacture of mathematical instruments and an indefinite number of workers", upon which he founded his workshop.

In 1767 he invented two important tools: a graduation machine for straight lines to natural and tapered scales and a circle graduation machine for grading rings, astrolabes and quadrants.

In 1797, in recognition of his achievements and skill, he received the "state factory authorization with all advantages and benefits" . In the same year he died and his business was continued by his widow and his older sons Wilhelm Voigtländer (1768–1828) and Siegmund Voigtländer (* 1770 Vienna; † 1822 Vienna). Another son was Johann Friedrich Voigtländer (optician) . His son Peter Wilhelm Friedrich von Voigtländer established Voigtländer as the leading photographic company of his time by taking over the Petzval lens .


  • Stephan Edler von Keeß: Description of the fabricates, which are shown in the factories, manufactures and trades of the Austrian imperial state. Second volume. , JB Wallishaufer, Vienna 1823, 1027 pp. 764–765 and further page references (digitized version)
  • Austrian National Encyclopedia or alphabetical presentation of the peculiarities of the Austrian Empire that are worth knowing. Page 580–581, Friedrich Beck'sche Universitätsbuchhandlung. Vienna 1836
  • JCPoggendorf: Biographical-literary concise dictionary for the history of exact sciences. Page 1226–1227. Published by Ambrosius Barth, Leipzig 1863
  • Ilse Erdmann: From Mechanicus Johann Christoph Voigtländer in Vienna to Voigtländer AG in Braunschweig. A brief company history with special consideration of the Voigtländer family, compiled from documents and testimonials from the archives of Voigtländer AG, Braunschweig , Part I. In: Tradition. Journal for company history and entrepreneur biography 7, 1962, p. 12
  • Ilse Erdmann: From Mechanicus Johann Christoph Voigtländer in Vienna to Voigtländer AG in Braunschweig , Part II. In: Tradition. Journal for company history and entrepreneur biography 7, 1962, p. 161
  • Carsten Grabenhorst: Voigtländer & Son. The company history from 1756 to 1914 . Braunschweig: Appelhans Verlag 2002

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