Johann Christoph von Schmid

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Johann Christoph Schmid , from 1824 von Schmid (born June 25, 1756 in Ebingen , Oberamt Balingen, † April 10, 1827 in Ulm ), was a German theologian.

Johann Christoph von Schmid


Johann Christoph Schmid was the son of the art and whitewash maker and partner in a fabric factory Johann Gottfried Schmid (1732–1771) and Maria Christina geb. Volz (1731-1809). He had six siblings. In 1804 he married Catherina Dapp (1768–1811) and had eleven children with her, nine of whom died early. In 1811 he married a second time, Luise Juliane Dorothee Kaiser.


Schmid first attended the Latin school in Ebingen and, after the family moved, the grammar school and from 1773 the academic grammar school in Ulm. The early death of the father brought the family into great financial difficulties. In 1775 he was disappointed that his stepfather Christian Hartwig Selle withdrew his promise to help finance his studies in Göttingen, so he went to Switzerland. The director of the Zurich orphanage, Johann Caspar Lavater , convinced him there that it would be better to return to Ulm and continue his studies. Until 1792 he studied Protestant theology in Erlangen . In order to earn money on the side, he worked as an educator for the sons of Professor Johann Georg Rosenmüller . In 1782, after completing his studies, he became a lecturer in dogma and church history in Erlangen. In 1783 he went to Giessen with Rosenmüller, who had become professor and superintendent there. In 1785 he followed him to Leipzig. In 1788 he returned to Ulm and became a preceptor (teacher) at the grammar school. In 1790 he was appointed professor of morality there. From 1797 to 1804 he was professor of history at the academic high school. In 1804 Johann Christoph Schmid was appointed Bavarian consistorial, church and school council. As early as 1792 he had become a deacon and in 1798 pastor at the Dreifaltigkeitskirche and the Hospital Church in Ulm. In 1809 he became the first early mass preacher at Ulm Minster and in 1810, a few weeks after the city of Ulm passed from Bavaria to Württemberg, he became prelate and general superintendent for Upper Swabia in Ulm. He died in office.


When the Württemberg estates were formed in 1815 , the senior general superintendent of the Protestant regional church was also appointed to the state parliament. In 1819 Schmid succeeded the late Heinrich David von Cleß in this office. He was a member of the state parliament until his death.



  • Frank Raberg : Biographical handbook of the Württemberg state parliament members 1815-1933 . On behalf of the Commission for Historical Regional Studies in Baden-Württemberg. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-17-016604-2 , p. 796 .
  • Frank Raberg : Biographical Lexicon for Ulm and Neu-Ulm 1802-2009 . Süddeutsche Verlagsgesellschaft im Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Ostfildern 2010, ISBN 978-3-7995-8040-3 , p. 373 .