Johann Conrad Fischer (entrepreneur)

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Johann Conrad Fischer (born May 4, 1721 in Schaffhausen ; † April 19, 1811 there ) was a Swiss entrepreneur .


Johann Conrad Fischer was born on May 4th 1721 as the son of the coppersmith and wine merchant Christoph Fischer in Schaffhausen. First he completed an apprenticeship and apprenticeship as a coppersmith in Schaffhausen. He then went on a journey, where he reached France , Germany , Austria , Hungary , Poland and Denmark over a period of nine years . He then spent five years at the Royal Foundry in Woolwich near London. After returning from England, Fischer took over his father's coppersmith. The manufacture of fire engines began there before 1760 . In addition, he held various municipal offices.

Johann Conrad Fischer, who married Anna Helena in 1771, the daughter of the Schaffhausen city ​​mason and councilor Hans Conrad Spengler, died on April 19, 1811 at the age of 89 in Schaffhausen. He was the father of Johann Conrad Fischer , who continued his company.


  • Karl Schib , Rudolf Gnade: Johann Conrad Fischer. 1773-1854. , Fischer, Schaffhausen, 1954, pp. 771-775.

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