Johann David Paul von Schlebrügge

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Johann David Paul von Schlebrügge (born October 8, 1769 in Münster ; † November 6, 1851 there ) was a Prussian administrative lawyer and district administrator .


Origin and family

Johann David Paul von Schlebrügge was born as the son of the married couple Heinrich Schlebrügge (Prussian Councilor) and Anna Gertrud Henriette Zurmühlen. The daughter Anna Pauline, who was married to Clemens Mersmann (District Administrator in Coesfeld), emerged from the first marriage with Klara Bernhardine Zurmühlen . His second wife was Maria Anna Theresia von Büren, daughter of Friedrich Christian von Büren (Munster Landpfennigmeister) and Theodore Wilhelmine Zurmühlen.

Professional background

After graduating from high school, Johann David Paul von Schlebrügge studied law at the Universities of Göttingen and Marburg. In 1792 he was appointed Prince Bishop of Münster Licentiate of the Rights and on July 28, 1809 the appointment as Maire von Werne and Herbern became effective. On August 9, 1816, von Schlebrügge was appointed District Administrator of the Lüdinghausen district by the Münster district government , subject to royal approval . The definitive appointment was on January 16, 1817. He was dismissed from civil service on July 6, 1839 after the Münster district government had suggested that he be dismissed because of his poor conduct.

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