Johann Engelstede

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Johann Engelstede (* around 1531 in Lübeck ; † February 27, 1579 in Antwerp ) was a German lawyer and councilor of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck.


Engelstede was the son of Godeke Engelstede, a citizen of Lübeck from Dorpat . From autumn 1548 he studied at the University of Rostock and in 1551 moved to the University of Wittenberg .

As a master's degree he became council secretary in Lübeck in 1562 . Engelstede already kept the Oberstadtbuch before , but has only been named as Protonotar since 1574 . In 1578 he became a councilor in Lübeck. He died at the age of 48 while on an embassy trip to Antwerp, where the Hanseatic office in Bruges had moved, and was buried there. He was married to Gertrud Meyer and had lived in the house at Johannisstrasse 23 in Lübeck since 1562 , and since 1910/11 the Hermberg house was newly built over .


  • Friedrich Bruns : The Lübeck syndicists and council secretaries until the constitutional amendment of 1851, in: ZVLGA Volume 29 (1938), p. 142/143.
  • Emil Ferdinand Fehling : Lübeckische Ratslinie , Lübeck 1925, No. 695

Individual evidence

  1. Neither Fehling nor Bruns answer the open question of whether this Godeke Engelstede is identical with the 64er councilor Godeke Engelstede († after 1535). Cf. No. 628 of the Lübeck Council Line 1925.
  2. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal