Johann Fulde

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Johann Gottfried Fulde (born September 21, 1718 in Nimptsch , Principality of Brieg ; † January 4, 1796 in Dyhernfurth , Principality of Wohlau ) was a German musician and Protestant pastor .


From 1732 Fulde attended the Maria-Magdalenen-Gymnasium in Breslau . His participation as a choralist in Magdalenenkirche , one of the main churches in Wroclaw, is attested to in 1735. With Johann Christoph Altnikol and Benjamin Gottlieb Faber, also singers in the Magdalenenkirche, he left Breslau in 1743 and went to Leipzig to study theology . Altnickol, later son-in-law of Johann Sebastian Bach , chose to study music and Faber to study medicine.

Since they had already enjoyed a musical education in Breslau, they took an active part in the musical life shaped by JS Bach. Fulde worked as a violinist and tenor in the “Big Concert” . On October 15, 1747, JS Bach wrote the Canon Canone doppio sopr'il Sogetto BWV 1077 in Fulde's studbook, which he created shortly before his departure from Breslau . From 1792 until his death on January 4, 1796, Fulde was pastor in Dyhernfurth / Oder.


  • Barbara Wiermann: Altnickol, Faber, Fulde - three Breslau choralists in the environment of Johann Sebastian Bach . Bach Yearbook 89th year 2003, 259 - 265.
  • Hans-Rainer Jung: The Gewandhaus Orchestra . Its members and its history since 1743 . Leipzig 2006, 19.
  • Hans-Joachim Schulze: Johann Sebastian Bach's canon dedications . In: Bach-Jahrbuch 67th year 1982, 82–92.