Johann Gottlieb Fleischer

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Johann Gottlieb Fleischer , also Johann Gottlieb von Fleischer , Russian Иоганн Готтлиб Флейшер (born October 15, 1797 in Mitau ; † April 22, 1838 ibid), was a Baltic German physician , ornithologist and botanist .


Fleischer was the son of a master coppersmith, attended the Mitau high school and studied medicine at the University of Dorpat from 1817 to 1821 , where he received his doctorate in 1822 ( Aneurysmatis varicosi complicati historia ). He then worked as a resident doctor in Mitau, at the city hospital there and later for the institutions of the College of General Welfare, of which he became the College Assessor in 1832. He died of tuberculosis.

With Emanuel Lindemann (1795-1845) he published a monograph on the flora of the Baltic provinces of the Baltic Sea (which he completed on his deathbed), edited in the second edition by A. Bunge. As an ornithologist, he wrote the first description of the red hawk , which he named after his friend Johann Andreas Naumann in 1818, the father of the ornithologist Johann Friedrich Naumann .

He was a member of the Moscow Imperial Society of Naturalists and the Courland Society of Literature and Art . In 1830 he attended the meeting of German naturalists in Hamburg.

His herbarium with 7,500 plants and his collection of beetles went to the Courland Provincial Museum.


  • Enumeratio Plantarum phanerogamicarum in Curonia, Livonia Esthoniaque observatarum , Moscow 1829
  • Systematic index of the phanerogams that have become known in the Baltic provinces up to now, with details of the common German, Latvian and Estonian names , Mitau 1830
  • with E. Lindemann: Flora of the German Baltic provinces Esth-, Liv- and Kurland , Mitau, Leipzig 1839, Biodiversity Library , Archives
  • with A. Bunge : Flora von Esth-, Liv- and Kurland , Mitau, Leipzig 1853

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