Johann Heinrich Otth

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Johann Heinrich Otth (born April 15, 1651 in Bern , † July 16, 1719 in Höchstetten ) was a Swiss pastor and Hebraist / Orientalist .

From 1673 Otth was a philosophy professor in Lausanne . In 1682 he became pastor in Rüegsau and in 1696 changed to the parish office of Höchstetten. His Historia doctorum Misnicorum [...] from 1672 and his Lexicon rabbinico-philologicum [...] from 1675 were long considered standard works of Hebrew studies. His Historia ecclesiastica Bernensis is only preserved as a manuscript.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karin Marti-Weissenbach: Johann Heinrich Otth. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .