Johann Heinrich Schotten

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Johann Heinrich Schotten (* 1643 in Grebenstein ; † September 1728 in Kassel ) was mayor of Kassel.


Schotten was the son of the mayor and imperial notary Franz Schotten (around 1610–1684) and his wife Katharina von Haxthausen, the daughter of the rent master in Hofgeismar, Herbold von Haxthausen. His first marriage was Margarethe Elisabert Kopp († 1674), the daughter of Chamber Councilor Philipp Heinrich Kopp, on August 12, 1673 in Kassel. On January 25, 1676, he married Katharina Elisabeth Lucanus, daughter of the court preacher Konrad Lucanus, in Kassel.

He attended school in Hofgeismar and the Korbach grammar school. He then studied law in Marburg from 1660. In 1664 he continued his studies in Rinteln and in 1668 again in Marburg. There he obtained his licentiate in 1670. In 1676 he was promoted to Dr. jur. PhD. He was initially an advocate and then from 1689 to 1691 mayor of Kassel and at the same time scholarch of the city schools. He was then a councilor and advocatus fisci and finally a councilor in Kassel.


  • De cessione bonorum, Marburg, 1670
