Johann Heinrich Deep Drink

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Johann Heinrich Tieftrunk (born May 15, 1760 in Öftenhäven near Rostock , † October 7, 1837 in Halle (Saale) ) was a German philosopher who u. a. worked on the philosophy of religion and processed Kant's approaches .


Deeprunk's father was a poor landowner. In the Hallesches orphanage deep drink received his education, then studied philology and theology in Halle. In 1781 he became a preacher and school principal in Joachimsthal in the Uckermark . He married a born Orth. First he worked on philological, then political and religious-philosophical topics. On January 10, 1792 he became a full professor of philosophy at the University of Halle, appointed by Johann Christoph von Woellner . He did his doctorate on Luther's Reformation. Deep drink also lectured on theological topics. He worked on political issues, especially Kant's philosophy of law, and in 1797/98 planned to compile a text edition with Kant's writings, of which he published three small volumes from 1797 to 1799, but then abandoned the plan. This edition also included a sketch by Tiefrunks on the development of Kant's thought. Tübingen theologians, including Carl Christian Flatt , disapproved of Deeprunk's strongly Kantian religious philosophy. In the course of the resulting controversy, Tiefrunk was temporarily suspended from theological teaching duties. In 1805 the University of Halle was closed. Deep drink now taught in Wittenberg. Together with his son Ferdinand Heinrich, he published the “Halleschen Courier” from 1820 to 1825. He was a member of the Halle Freemasons lodge to the three swords , to which Woellner also belonged.


Tieftrunk's use of language is peculiar, especially in his late work: he wrote, for example, “upward power” instead of reason, “conscious” instead of reflecting.

In the philosophy of religion he tried a middle way between more traditional and Kantian options by trying to reconcile both the reference to revelation and a strong rationalism in the sense of a religion of reason and a foundation in human practice. Moral norms should be justifiable autonomously through practical reason, but the result should be in accordance with the ethics and religion of Jesus. Biblical texts have to be reinterpreted because they illustrate the truth in images.

Deep drink argued for an absolutism that initially had to carry out various reforms. The economy, especially the middle class, and bureaucracy have to be strong and efficient, otherwise society will be polarized and revolution threatens.

Works (selection)

  • First reasons of the Latin language , 1784
  • Attempt to criticize religion and all religious dogmatics , 1790. ( Online )
  • The religion of the mature , 1799–1800.
  • Letters about the existence of God, freedom and immortality , 1791.
  • On statecraft and legislation , Berlin 1791. ( Online )
  • Programma de modo Deum cognoscendi , 1792.
  • The only possible purpose of Jesus developed from the basic laws of religion , Berlin 1793 ( online )
  • Dilucidationes Ad Theoreticam Religionis Christianae , 2 volumes, Berlin 1793 ( Vol. 1 , Vol. 2 ).
  • Dissertatio inauguralis de rebus, quibus Reformatio DM Lutheri praeparata & adjecta est , 1793
    • Presentation of the most excellent circumstances by which the Reformation Martin Luther was prepared, supported in its beginning and progress and promoted in its expansion , ed. by Johann Georg Tieftrunk 1794.
  • Censorship of the Christian Protestant concept of teaching according to the principles of criticism of religion , 3 parts, Berlin 1793–1795 ( Vol. 1 , Vol. 2 , Vol. 3 ).
  • About Law and State , Part 1, 1796
  • Philosophical studies of private and public law , 1797–1799. ( Online )
  • Philosophical studies on the doctrine of virtue , Halle 1798 (online at Google Books and University Library of Tübingen ) and 1805 ( online )
  • The religion of the mature , 2 volumes, 1799/1800
  • Floor plan of the logic , Hall 1801 ( online )
  • Outline of the moral doctrine . 1: General foundation for moral doctrine in general and the doctrine of virtues. 2: Science of External Legislation or Legal Doctrine of Reason, 1803
  • The universe from the human point of view I , 1821. ( Online )
  • The theory of thought in purely German guise , 2 volumes, 1825–1827. ( Vol. 1 , Vol. 2 )


  • Gustav Kertz: The Philosophy of Religion Johann Heinrich Tieftrunks , A Contribution to the History of the Kantian School, Kaemmerer, Halle adS 1906 / Reuther & Richard, Berlin 1907. ( Online )
  • Christoph Schmitt:  Deep drink, Johann Heinrich. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 12, Bautz, Herzberg 1997, ISBN 3-88309-068-9 , Sp. 69-73.
  • Jean L. Seban: Le primat de la raison pratique chez Johann Heinrich Tieftrunk (1759-1837) , in: Analecta Bruxellensia 1 (1996), 158-181.
  • Ingomar Kloos, Biographical riddles about the Halle Kantian Johann Heinrich Tieftrunk have been solved , in: Kant-Studien 106 (2015), 626–631, Verlag DeGruyter

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