Johann Jakob Walser

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Johann Jakob Walser (born September 16, 1789 in Wolfhalden , † February 13, 1855 in Herisau ; resident in Herisau) was a Swiss Reformed theologian and pastor and promoter of the school system from the canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden .


Johann Jakob Walser was a son of Johann Heinrich Walser, pastor, and Katharina Barbara Hohl. In 1808 he married Anna Knus, daughter of Johann Georg Knus, pastor. He entered into a second marriage with Elisabeth Haefen, daughter of Kaspar Hafen.

Walser attended his father's preparatory school for theology students. After studying theology in Basel from 1806 to 1807, he worked as a pastor in Reute AR from 1807 to 1814 and in Herisau from 1814 to 1855. From 1830 to 1853 he was chamberlain and from 1853 to 1855 dean of the Ausserrhoder state church. From 1842 to 1850 he served as marriage judge. Walser promoted the education and school system: In Herisau, against considerable resistance, he initiated a school reform, a school fund and the construction of school buildings around 1821. The establishment of a teachers' library in 1824 and free schools in 1834 were primarily his work. At the cantonal level, he was school inspector in 1828 and 1831 and was a member of the state school and canton school commissions. He published writings on education and the local history of Herisau as well as sermons and speeches.


  • Hans Martin Stückelberger: The Appenzell reformed pastors. Edited by the Evangelical Reformed Church Council. Herisau: Schläpfer 1977, p. 31f.

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