Johann Krafft

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Johann Krafft

Johann Krafft, also: Hans Krafft, Crato ; (*? in Usingen ; † February 27, 1578 in Wittenberg ) was a German printer during the Reformation .


Little is known about the parental home and how he grew up. From 1549 he worked as a freelance printer in Wittenberg. In Krafft's print shop, 143 book titles were created, which are characterized by neat typesetting on high-quality paper . This made him one of the most important Reformation printers of the second half of the 16th century. Above all, the writings of Philipp Melanchthon such as Loci theologici, Opera and Epistolae selectiores aliquot make up a total of 43 book titles of his work in multiple editions. In its offices there are also humanistic and Hebrew prints. In addition, he had been elected to the council as a respected member of the Wittenberg guarantee and had attended the book fair in Frankfurt am Main on a regular basis since 1564.

From his marriage to Margaretha († 1595), who was a distant relative of Hans Lufft , five sons and one daughter have become known. His son Zacharias Krafft (* before 1560) brought out five more titles after the death of his father. He probably worked together with his brother Johann Krafft the Younger (* 1566), who has been certified as a master's degree at Heidelberg University in 1582 . The latter had managed the print shop from 1590 to 1614, which the later university printer Johann Gormann took over and disappeared as a print shop in 1631. Caspar Krafft (born April 24, 1569 in Wittenberg; † March 9, 1617, ibid.) Was possibly one of his sons.
