Johann Nepomuk von Kolb

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Johann Nepomuk von Kolb. Ceiling fresco by Andreas Brugger in the nave of the parish church of St. Verena in Bad Wurzach

Johann Nepomuk von Kolb (born January 14, 1726 ; † 1799 in Wurzach ) was a German Roman Catholic theologian , parish priest of Wurzach and dean of the Wurzach rural chapter.

Parish church of St. Verena in Bad Wurzach
Soul chapel in Bad Wurzach
Gottesberg Bad Wurzach
Wurzacher Holy Blood reliquary


The theologian Johann Nepomuk von Kolb was provost in the Collegienstift zu Zeil, later became prince-bishop Constanzischer secret clergyman and from 1756 worked as chapter and country dean as well as city pastor in the imperial countessian city of Wurzach.

The allegedly from the private property of Pope Innocent XII. The holy blood relic that came to the Gottesberg in 1764 from the estate of the Paulaner brother Theophilus Maria Miller de Malkowitz (1699–1763) was left in a golden capsule that could be worn around the neck, by Johann Nepomuk von Insert Kolb in a gilded baroque ray monstrance and give her the blessing on Lent Fridays and on the titular feast. At that time, entire parishes made a pilgrimage to Wurzach with their pilgrims in order to use the opportunity opened up by this measure to be able to kiss the relic at the end of the service of the Holy Blood Festival. In 1774, Johann Nepomuk von Kolb had the soul chapel in Wurzach with funds from his private fortune, and the Roman Catholic parish church of St. Verena was built by the Wurzach builder and sculptor Johann Jakob Willibald Ruez (1728–1782) from 1775 to 1777 .

On September 21, 1789, Johann von Kolb was given the academic surname Eubulus III. under the matriculation no. In 894 admitted to the Imperial Leopoldine-Carolinian Academy of Natural Scientists .

Johann Nepomuk von Kolb was buried in the crypt of the soul chapel in Wurzach in 1799 .


  • Otto Beck: 250 years of the Holy Blood relic in Bad Wurzach . In: HL Blutfest 2014 Bad Wurzach, Catholic Parish Office St. Verena, Bad Wurzach 2014, p. 3 ( digitized version )
  • August Friedrich Pauly : Description of the Oberamt Leutkirch (= description of the Kingdom of Württemberg. Volume 18). With a map of the Oberamt, a view of Wurzach and four tables. Cotta, Stuttgart / Tübingen 1843, OCLC 311255503 , (full text in Wikisource) .

Notes and individual references

  1. Today in Bad Wurzach the blood walk with around 1,500 riders and around 5000 pilgrims has developed as the second largest equestrian procession in Central Europe as a traditional part of the Holy Blood Festival on the second Friday in July. In contrast to other equestrian procession, women are allowed to ride in Bad Wurzach. The currently used miter-like silver reliquary was designed by Father Guerricus Bürger in 1930 and made by the Biberach goldsmith Hugo Zieher with the help of numerous donations of money, silver and precious stones.
  2. Biblical Lexicon: = Giver of good advice - A Christian in Rome who sent greetings to Timothy (2 Tim 4:21).
  3. ^ Johann Daniel Ferdinand Neigebaur : History of the Imperial Leopoldino-Carolinian German Academy of Natural Scientists during the second century of its existence. Friedrich Frommann, Jena 1860, p. 236 ( digitized version )