Johann Reitmeier

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Johann Reitmeier (born May 13, 1888 in Dechantskirchen , Styria, † October 9, 1977 ) was an Austrian Roman Catholic clergyman .

Johann Reitmeier was ordained a Catholic priest as a late caller in the Archdiocese of Salzburg in 1926 and worked as a cooperator in Kirchberg in Tirol from 1926 to 1933 .

In 1933 he emigrated with a group of Tyroleans to Brazil, where, on the initiative of the former Austrian Minister of Agriculture, Andreas Thaler and with considerable assistance from Reitmeier, Treze Tílias (German: Thirteen Linden trees ) was founded in Brazil. He not only provided pastoral support, but also proved to be an excellent organizer as well as a promoter of the education system, as he played a significant role in the establishment of the school (this is remembered as "Escola Municipal Monsenhor João Reitmeier", also a street, the Rua Monsenhor João Reitmeier, is named after him).

He again spent the last nine years of his life in Kirchberg, where he took special care of old and sick people and took part in pastoral care. On October 9, 1977 Reitmeier died, who had received the ecclesiastical honorary title Monsignore for his work in Tyrol and Brazil .

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