Johann Svitanics

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Johann Svitanics (* 1890 ; † 1958 in Vienna ) was an Austrian socialist, member of the Social Democratic Workers' Party (SDAP) and trade union functionary , who was in exile as chairman of the regional group of Austrian trade unionists and a member of the London office , a branch of the foreign representation of the Austrian socialists (AVOES ) worked in the UK.


Johann Svitanics came to the labor movement at a very young age and was primarily involved as a trade unionist. Due to his active participation in the February uprising in 1934, he fled abroad, where he represented the interests of the socialist trade unionists at the headquarters of the ALÖS in Brünn / Brno (Czechoslovakia). In the course of his flight from Hitler's expansion, he came to Great Britain in 1939, where he took over the chairmanship of the regional group of Austrian trade unionists in Great Britain and worked closely with the Austrian Socialist Mission (AVOES). In the London office , a branch of AVOES run by Oscar Pollak and Karl Czernetz , he participated as an advisory member and participated in workers' broadcasts on British Broadcasting (BBC). In 1945 he returned to Austria and resumed his activity in the Austrian Federation of Trade Unions (ÖGB).

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