Johann Wilhelm Wagner

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Johann Wilhelm Wagner

Johann Wilhelm Wagner (born November 24, 1681 in Heldburg , †  December 16, 1745 in Berlin ) was a German astronomer .

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Between 1700 and 1703 he held a position as assistant to Georg Christoph Eimmart at his observatory in Nuremberg . In April 1704 Wagner began studying at the University of Jena . From 1706 to 1709 he was employed at the private observatory of Baron Bernhard Friedrich von Krosigk in Berlin ; in the following years various positions followed in Russia and Silesia . From 1711 to 1712 or 1713 he was a professor at a knight academy .

In 1716 Wagner became an observer and member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences . From 1720 he was professor of mathematics at the grammar school in Hildburghausen until it was closed in 1727. On December 16, 1722, his son Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Wagner was born in Hildburghausen. In 1730 Wagner became professor of architecture at the Academy of Arts in Berlin, and in 1735 librarian at the Academy of Sciences. In 1740, after the death of Christfried Kirch, he became his successor as director of the Berlin observatory - an office that he held until the end of his life. The calendar calculation at the observatory was very busy with him, so that he was temporarily represented by his son for teaching at the Academy of Arts. Wagner died unmarried in December 1745 of a stroke.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Academy of the Arts: Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Wagner jun.
  2. ^ Academy of the Arts: Johann Wilhelm Wagner sen.