Theodor Traugott Meyer

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Theodor Traugott Meyer (born November 6, 1904 in Munich , † October 22, 1948 in Danzig ) was SS-Hauptsturmführer adjutant in various concentration camps .


Meyer (first from right) during the 2nd Stutthof trial

Theodor Traugott Meyer, an electrician by profession, joined the NSDAP ( membership number 771.323) and the SS (SS number 16.385) in 1931. From April 1938 Meyer worked as a camp engineer in the Dachau concentration camp , a position he held until the end of December 1940. At the beginning of January 1941 Meyer was transferred to the Ravensbrück concentration camp as a protective custody camp leader . Under camp commandant Paul Werner Hoppe , Meyer became adjutant and protective custody camp leader of the Stutthof concentration camp from the beginning of January 1942 . After that, he is said to have worked in the Majdanek concentration camp for a while. After the evacuation of the camp in Stutthof in January 1945, Meyer, again under Hoppe, became an adjutant and protective custody camp leader of the Wöbbelin concentration camp . As head of the protective custody camp, Meyer was primarily responsible for the catastrophic supply situation and the inhumane conditions in the Wöbbelin concentration camp. In the course of the approaching liberation of the Wöbbelin camp by the US Army, Meyer withdrew and was arrested in Poland after the end of the war. In the second Stutthof trial , Meyer was sentenced to death on October 31, 1947 and executed by hanging on October 22, 1948 in Danzig .


  • Ernst Klee: The dictionary of persons on the Third Reich: Who was what before and after 1945. Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2005, ISBN 3-596-16048-0 .
  • Carina Baganz: Ten weeks of the Wöbbelin concentration camp - A concentration camp in Mecklenburg 1945. , (Ed.) Wöbbelin 2000 memorials and memorials
  • Silke Schäfer: On the self-image of women in the concentration camp. The Ravensbrück camp. Berlin 2002 (Dissertation TU Berlin), urn : nbn: de: kobv: 83-opus-4303 , doi : 10.14279 / depositonce-528 .