Johann von Bardewik

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Johann von Bardewik (* before 1225 ; † 1290 ) was a German politician and mayor of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck .


The von Bardewik family has been recorded in the Lübeck Council since 1188 and could have immigrated from Bardowick during the phase of the German city's foundation . As Lübeck councilor he represented the city in 1250 with King Håkon IV of Norway. With this he sealed the trade agreement between Norway and Lübeck as council messenger of the city on October 6, 1250, with Håkon's son and co-regent Håkon Håkonsson being mentioned as the first in the list of witnesses. Johann von Bardewik is mentioned several times as Lübeck's mayor between 1263 and 1290 . He lived in the house at Breite Straße 93 in Lübeck .

Johann von Bardewik was the father of the Lübeck council syndicate Willekin von Bardewik .


Individual evidence

  1. 1188 Esico von Bardewik is listed as No. 36 of the Lübeck Council Line. Look there.
  2. Regesta Norvegica vol. 1 no. 829.