Johannes Daniel Schreitmüller

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Johannes Daniel Schreitmüller (born February 23, 1842 in Bruckberg near Ansbach in the Freising district ; † May 30, 1885 in Genthin ) was a German academic sculptor .


Johannes Daniel Schreitmüller was the father of the Dresden sculptor August Theodor Marquart Schreitmüller . Johannes Daniel Schreitmüller was born in Bruckberg near Ansbach in the Freising district. After graduating from school, he studied from 1861 to 1865 at the Dresden School of Applied Arts . He later became a professor and deputy director at the Dresden School of Applied Arts. With the in Dresden living history painter , restorer and photographers Ermenegildo Antonio Donadini Schreitmüller stood in solid artistic and friendly contact.

Works (selection)

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Individual evidence

  2. ^ Archives of the Dresden School of Applied Arts
  3. elbhang-photo-gallery