Johannes Grubenmann

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Bridges at Reichenau GR
Chur: Gray House or New Building , today government building

Johannes Grubenmann (born June 15, 1707 in Teufen , Appenzell Ausserrhoden , † June 12, 1771 in Teufen) was a Swiss builder.


Johannes Grubenmann was born in Teufen as the second son of the carpenter and master builder Ulrich Grubenmann (1668–1736). Grubenmann married Anna Schläpfer in 1731. He had two sons, Johannes (* 1739, master builder of Wettingen ) and Hans Ulrich (* 1743, † 1779 in Trogen ). Together with his brothers Jakob and Hans Ulrich , he was involved in the reconstruction of Bischofszell in 1743. He specialized in church towers and gained a special reputation through the bridges near Reichenau GR .



  • Reichenau built in 1757, destroyed in 1799
  • Rümlang (in Oberglatt until 1950) built in 1767

Secular buildings


  • Josef Killer: The works of the builders Grubenmann . Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel 1985, ISBN 3-7643-1694-2

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Individual evidence

  1. Entry on homeland security website