Johannes Ludwig Renard

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Johannes Ludwig Renard , called Louis , (born September 24, 1775 in Utrecht , † September 9, 1859 in Kiel ) was a farmer and writer.


Johannes Ludwig Renard was a son of Gregor Eleonor Joseph Renard (1745–1781) from Mons, Belgium, and his wife Catharina, née Dumesnil (1749–1819) from Nancy . Since the father died early, Gutsinspektor Friedrich Johann Karl Reiche took over the education of Johannes Ludwig Renard at Gut Knoop . After training as a farmer, Renard managed the estate until 1803. After that he leased the Friedrichshof until 1824 and then the Mettenhof . Around 1850 he worked as a French language teacher in Kiel.

On April 28, 1805 Renard married Catharina Margarethe Thiessen (1784–1833) in Dänischenhagen . The couple had a daughter and eight sons, including the photographer Gregor .

Act as a writer

Based on suggestions from his foster father Friedrich Johann Karl Reiche, Renard made business changes in his estates. Through these reforms he came into conflict with other landowners and administrators along the Schleswig-Holstein Canal . Renard tried to spread and defend his ideas. Therefore, he wrote many articles that appeared in agricultural journals such as the Landwirtschaftliche Hefte for the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein or the Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung for the duchies of Schleswig, Holstein and Lauen . He also wrote two books.

With his publications he influenced the agricultural reforms of his time.



  • GGL v. Maack: Lexicon of the Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburg and Eutinian writers from 1829 to mid-1866 , Volume 2, 1868, p. 256 No. 1744 ( digitized version )
  • Georg Laage: Renard, Johannes Ludwig . in: Schleswig-Holstein Biographical Lexicon . Volume 1. Karl Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster 1970, pp. 230-231