Johannes Rupertus

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Johannes Rupertus , also Johann Rupert Wirtenberger (* before 1569; † 1605 in Lauenburg / Elbe ) was a German Evangelical-Lutheran pastor and Lauenburg general superintendent from 1592 to 1605.

Live and act

There is no information about the origin and year of birth of Rupertus; only known is that he was ordained in Tübingen in 1569 and held the master's degree.

On October 14, 1592 Rupertus came to Lauenburg / Elbe as court preacher to the Duchess Maria and was appointed general superintendent in the same year.

During his tenure, the superintendent's house (later deacon house) was built on the church square in Lauenburg / Elbe (today a museum), whose bar inscription names Rupertus as the client.

See also


  • Johann Friedrich Burmester : Contributions to the church history of the Duchy of Lauenburg , Ratzeburg: self-published 1832, p. 78 f. ( online ); 2nd ed. 1882.
  • Eckardt Opitz (Ed.): Biografisches Lexikon Herzogtum Lauenburg , Husum 2015, p. 332.
  • Benjamin Hein: Die Propsteien / Kirchenkreise in Nordelbien (Writings of the Landeskirchlichen Archiv der Nordkirche, Volume 2) , Landeskirchliches Archiv, Kiel 2016, p. 18 ( PDF - online ; 336 kB).

Web links

  • Biogram Johann Rupert Wirtenberger

Individual evidence

  1. Burmester 1832, p. 78 f.
  2. Claudia Tanck in Opitz 2015, p. 332.
predecessor Office successor
Gerhard Sagittarius General Superintendent of the
Duchy of Saxony-Lauenburg
1592 - 1605
Johannes Erhardi