John Faber the Younger

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Engraving by Admiral of the Royal Navy Thomas Mathews , from 1744

John Faber (* 1684 in The Hague ; † May 2, 1756 in Bloomsbury ) was an English engraver of Dutch descent. John Faber came to England when he was three years old with his father, John Faber, a mezzotint man . He went to Vanderbank's Academy of Art in London . His black art prints are among the best of their kind. They amount to 165 copies, most of which are portraits of well-known Englishmen. The portrait painters Godfrey Kneller and Peter Lely had him make prints of their portraits. He was part of the Haagse Confreriekamer van Pictura association .

Web links

Commons : John Faber the Younger  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Discover mezzotinter, print artist, reproductive engraver Johan Faber (II). Retrieved July 5, 2018 .