John Francis Skjellerup

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John Francis Skjellerup (born May 16, 1875 in Cobden , Victoria (Australia) , † January 6, 1952 in Melbourne ) was an Australian astronomer and telegraph.

John Francis' father, Peder Jensen Skjellerup was from Denmark and died early, his mother Margaret Williamson was from England . John Francis himself wanted to be called Frank by first name. He learned telegraphy and went from Australia to South Africa because telegraphs were needed there after the Second Boer War .

In South Africa he practiced astronomy and was the discoverer and co-discoverer of numerous comets , both in South Africa and Australia. So he discovered the periodic comet Grigg-Skjellerup and the very bright comet Skjellerup-Maristany . He also observed variable stars.

John Francis married Mary Peterson from South Africa in 1923 and went to Australia with her the same year. They didn't have any children.

Discovered comets (selection)

Web links

  • W. Orchiston: JF Skjellerup: A forgotten name in South African cometary astronomy. Monthly Notes of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa, Vol. 62, P. 54 ( online )
  • W. Orchiston: Of comets and variable stars: the Afro-Australian astronomical activities of JF Skjellerup. Journal of the British Astronomical Association, Vol. 109, No. 6, pp. 328-338 ( online )
  • Genealogy