John Lowell Gardner

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The port of Salem in the 18th century

John "Jack" Lowell Gardner II (born November 26, 1837 in Brookline (Massachusetts) , † December 10, 1898 there ) was an American businessman, art collector and patron. The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston emerged from the art collection built up by him and his wife Isabella Stewart Gardner .

Gardner came from a shipowner's family. His mother, Catherine Endicott Peabody (1808–1833) from Brookline, was the daughter of Joseph Peabody (1757–1844), a shipowner from Salem, Massachusetts , who became one of the richest men in the United States by importing pepper from Sumatra was. Gardner's father was also a shipowner, in partnership with Joseph Peabody.

After studying at Harvard University , Jack joined the family business, whose interests also extended to railways and mining operations. He married Isabella Stewart on April 10, 1860. John Lowell Gardner III (1863-1865) was not even two years old. After that, the couple devoted themselves primarily to travel and art.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ F. Hunt [1858]. Lives of American merchants - Vol 1 . (via Google Books )

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