John McClelland (cultural historian)

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John McClelland (* 1940 ) is a Canadian professor of Renaissance Studies, French and Comparative Literature and Sports History .


McClelland studied French literature with a focus on the Renaissance at Victoria College, University of Toronto from 1958 to 1962 . After the BA he went to the University of Chicago , where he received his doctorate in 1965 (on Pontus de Tyard ). Since that time he has been considered a proven researcher of the Renaissance, especially since he mastered six languages ​​and their early modern counterparts. After one year at Mount Allison University (Sackville, New Brunswick ) and two years at the University of Western Ontario ( London (Ontario) ), he returned to Victoria College (now Victoria University) in the University of Toronto in 1968, where He gradually rose from lecturer to full professor, retired in 2008 and has remained a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the University's Center for Reformation and Renaissance Studies since his retirement . He was also assigned to the Institute for Comparative Literature, regularly taught sports history from antiquity to the early modern period at the Faculty of Sports Science at the University of Toronto, and worked in the university's semiotics working group. He has been visiting professor several times in Italy , France and Germany ( University of Göttingen ).

Scientific importance

As an expert on the literature of the Renaissance, he dealt with Renaissance body techniques at an early stage. He was able to show that the ideas of physical exercise in the Renaissance corresponded to antiquity on the one hand, but were also very modern, since all the criteria of modern sport according to Allen Guttmann were already met in the 16th century. Due to his immense knowledge of the primary literature of the Renaissance, the printed and unprinted sources, he is considered a leading cultural historian of body techniques, including sport. He is a Fellow of the European Committee for Sports History .


  • Body and mind sport in Europe from the Roman empire tot the Renaissance. Routledge, London 2007, ISBN 978-0-7146-5357-0 .
  • Arnd Krüger , John McClelland (ed.): The beginnings of modern sport in the Renaissance (= contributions and sources on sport and society , Volume 2). Arena, London 1984, ISBN 0-902175-45-9 .
  • Montaigne, the sports of Italy. In: Renaissance and Reformation. 27, 2003, pp. 2, 41-51.
  • John McClelland, Brian Merrilees (Eds.): Sport and culture in early modern Europe. Center for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, Toronto 2009, ISBN 978-0-7727-2052-8 .
  • as editor: Les Ereurs amoureuses / Pontus de Tyard. (= Textes littéraires français . 136). Droz, Geneva / Minard, Paris 1967.
  • La fonction communicative des masques dans les comédies italiennes de Mozart. In: Canadian University Music Review. 5, 1984, pp. 179-197.
  • Music with words, semiotics / rhetorics. In: A Journal of the History of Rhetorics. 7, 1990, pp. 187-211.

Individual evidence

  2. crrs approx
  3. In: John McClelland (2017). Professing the History of Early Modern Sport, The International Journal of the History of Sport , 34: 5-6, 393-398, DOI: 10.1080 / 09523367.2017.1383392 he traces his path into the history of sport.
  4. ^ John McClelland: The numbers of reason. Luck, logic, and art in Renaissance conceptions of sport. John M. Carter, Arnd Krüger (Eds.): Ritual and Record. Westport , Conn .: Greenwood 1990, pp. 53-64.