John Vaudain Creely

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John Vaudain Creely (born November 14, 1839 in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , † unknown, disappeared 1873, pronounced dead on September 28, 1900 ) was an American politician . Between 1871 and 1873 he represented the state of Pennsylvania in the US House of Representatives .


John Creely enjoyed a classic school education. After a subsequent law degree and his admission as a lawyer in 1862, he began to work in Philadelphia in this profession. During the Civil War he served as an artillery officer in the Union Army . He sat on the Philadelphia City Council for four years.

In the congressional elections of 1870 Creely was elected as an independent Republican in the second constituency of Pennsylvania in the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC , where he succeeded Charles O'Neill on March 4, 1871 . Before the end of his legislative term on March 3, 1873, he mysteriously disappeared. He was never seen again. At the request of his sister Adelaide, he was officially declared dead on September 28, 1900.

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predecessor Office successor
Charles O'Neill United States House of Representatives for Pennsylvania (2nd constituency)
March 4, 1871 - March 3, 1873
Charles O'Neill