Jom Tob ben Abraham from Seville

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Jom Tob ben Abraham from Seville ( Jom Tov Asevilli , acronym Ritba ; * 1250 ; † 1320 ) was a Spanish - Jewish scholar, Talmudist and religious philosopher .

In his Sefer ha-Zikkaron , Jom Tob represents in the controversy about the religious-philosophical project of Maimonides - often against Nachmanides - as a whole and in many individual questions the correctness of the explanations and interpretations in the Leader of the Undecided . He emphasizes, however, that the Torah can be understood in many ways and that the Maimonid statements are without exception wise and conducive to perfecting; but he himself also takes different positions in detail, such as those of Nachmanides.

His main work is a collection of commentaries on the Babylonian Talmud, which - like similar previous works by Nachmanides , for example - were published as "Innovations" (Chiddushim).


Primary texts
  • Chiddusha ha-Ritba [ Eng . "Innovations des Ritba"], edited by M. Goldstein u. a., 15 volumes, Jerusalem 1974–1990.
Secondary literature
  • Article JOMTOW ben ABRAHAM , in: Georg Herlitz / Bruno Kirschner (eds.): Jüdisches Lexikon , an encyclopedic manual of Jewish knowledge in four volumes, Jüdischer Verlag, Berlin 1927-30, Vol. 3 (1927).
  • Angel Sáenz-Badillos; Judit Targarona Borrás: Diccionario de autores judios (Sefarad. Siglos X-XV). Estudios de Cultura Hebrea 10. Córdoba 1988, pp. 175-176.
  • Ephraim Kupfer: Art. Yom Tov Ben Abraham Ishbili , in: Encyclopaedia Judaica 2. A. (2006), Vol. 21, 391-392.

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