Jomtow Lipmann Heller

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Jomtow Lipmann Heller ( Jom Tob Lipmann Heller ; * 1579 in Wallerstein , Bavaria , then Principality of Oettingen-Wallerstein ; died on September 7, 1654 in Krakow , Poland) was a Talmudist and rabbi in Vienna , Prague and Krakow, wrote Tossefot Jomtow , a Mishnah commentary, often printed together with the text of the Mishnah editions (supplements Bertinoro's commentary ; these "additions", Tosafot Jom Tob , were first printed in Prague in 1617).

Literature (selection)

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Individual evidence

  1. Jomtow Lipmann Heller in the Encyclopædia Britannica