Jon Boorstin

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Jon Boorstin (born April 5, 1946 in United States ) is an American screenwriter , film director , documentary filmmaker , writer, and television and film producer .

Live and act

Boorstin studied at Harvard, where he graduated in 1967 with a Bachelor of Arts . Further studies took him to Trinity College in Cambridge and the California Institute of the Arts. At the beginning of the 1970s he joined the film industry. 1973 was Boorstin assistant director Alan J. Pakula political thriller The Parallax View and was also on Pakula Folgeinzenierung, the award-winning and critically acclaimed political thriller about the Watergate scandal , All the President's involved: Here worked Boorstin as production (so-called associate producer) . Between the two films, Jon Boorstin produced his first production with the quarter-hour short documentary Exploratorium, which was to receive an Oscar nomination in 1975 .

From the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s, the filmmaker Boorstin paused active film-making. Instead, he now began to act as a teacher. Since then he has worked in the following decades as a lecturer for the US Information Agency in Asia and as a Fulbright Professor taught script writing and film production at the National Film and Television Institute in Puna (India). He also gave film courses at the University of Southern California and lectured at the Hamburger Filmwerkstatt. In 1985, Jon Boorstin returned to film and worked for the first time as a screenwriter on his feature film production (again directed by Pakula) called Dream Lover . In the next two decades, Boorstin concentrated on script work for film (so in 1996, during his stay in Hamburg, also for the Hark Bohm production Forever and Always ) and above all television and occasionally worked again as a producer. He has not been active on film since 2006.

Works (selection)

Jon Boorstin has also worked as a writer, authoring a number of film theory and analysis books as well as an award-winning novel:

  • 1990: The Hollywood Eye: What Makes Movies Work
  • 1995: Making Movies Work: Thinking Like a Filmmaker
  • 2003: The New-Boys Lodging-House, or The Confessions of William James (Received the New York City Book Award for Historical Fiction).
  • 2004: Mabel and Me: A Novel About the Movies


  • 1974: Exploratorium (short documentary, direction and production)
  • 1975: The Untouchables ( All the President's Men ) (production supervisor)
  • 1985: Dream Lover (Production)
  • 1989: To the Limit (short documentary, screenplay)
  • 1991: Dark Shadows (TV series. Screenplay, production)
  • 1993: The Discoverers (short, screenplay, director)
  • 1994–95: Leatherstocking ( Hawkeye ) (TV series, screenplay)
  • 1996: Forever and Always (co-script)
  • 2005: Greece: Secrets of the Past (documentary, co-script)
  • 2006: Three Moons over Milford (TV series. Line producer, screenplay)

Individual evidence

  1. exact date of birth according to

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