Jonathan Lowell Butler

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Jonathan Lowell Butler ( 1939 - January 1, 1974 ) was an American Romanist and Italianist.


Butler studied in Berkeley (with Yakov Malkiel ) and in Heidelberg (with Kurt Baldinger ) and received his doctorate in Berkeley in 1969 with the thesis The Latin derivational suffixes -ĪNUS, -ĪNA, -ĬNUS, and -ĬNEUS. Their origins and Romance descendants (published by T. Latin -īnus, -īna, -ĭnus and -ĭneus. From Proto-Indo-European to the Romance languages , Berkeley 1971). This overall novelistic work (which received a wide response) placed a special emphasis on Sardinian . Butler died shortly after his appointment as associate professor at the University of California, Davis . He received the honor of a commemorative publication in Romance Philology .


  • Jonathan L. Butler memorial, in: Romance Philology 29, 4, 1975

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