Jordi Bernet (comic artist)

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Jordi Bernet 2011

Jordi Bernet i Cussó (born June 14, 1944 in Barcelona ) is a Spanish cartoonist . He achieved particular fame through the comic series Torpedo .

life and work

Bernet, son of comic artist Miguel Bernet alias Jorge, made his debut as a comic artist at the age of 15 when he took over his father's humorous series after the early death of his father in 1960. He developed a realistic drawing style and drew for the international market at the beginning of the 1960s and from 1968 to 1976 only under his first name Jordi for the magazine Spirou . In addition, he drew the Andrax series , which appeared in Primo magazine in the first half of the 1970s, based on the texts by Miguel Cussó and based on an idea by Peter Wiechmann . The erotic series WAT 69 , which appeared in the magazine Pip , was also a collaboration with Cussó. In the early 1980s he took over from Alex Toth the comic series Torpedo , which was written by Enrique Sánchez Abulí and set in the 1930s and is about a professional killer . Further works by Bernet are the series Sarvan and Kraken , which emerged from the collaboration with Antonio Segura , and Light and Bold and Ivanpiire based on texts by Carlos Trillo . The erotic funny comic Clara de Noche was also created in collaboration with Trillo .

In 1991 Bernet won the Barcelona Comics Salon Grand Prix. In addition to Andrax , he has published the series Betty (original title: Clara de Noche ), Sarvan and Torpedo in German.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Jordi Bernet on (Italian) , accessed on September 19, 2012
  2. a b c d e Jordi Bernet on (English) , accessed on September 19, 2012
  3. Jordi Bernet on , accessed on September 19, 2012
  4. ^ Portrait of Peter Wiechmann on , accessed on September 19, 2012
  5. ^ Andreas C. Knigge: Comic Lexikon . Ullstein Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin and Vienna 1988, ISBN 3-548-36554-X , p. 88.
  6. Jordi Bernet gana el gran premio del Saló del Còmic de Barcelona on (Spanish) , accessed on September 19, 2012
  7. Jordi Bernet on , accessed on August 24, 2020