José Patricio Guggiari

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José Patricio Guggiari

José Patricio Guggiari (born March 17, 1884 in Asunción , † October 29, 1957 in Buenos Aires ) was a Paraguayan politician and president (1928-1932).


Guggiari was born in Asunción on March 17, 1884 to Agostino Pedro Guggiari and Petrona Corniglione. The parents came from Savosa in the Italian part of Switzerland. He was first brought to Villarrica . After primary school there he attended the Colegio Nacional in Asunción and graduated from Bachiller in 1901 . He then attended the Universidad Nacional and received his doctorate in law and sociology in 1910.

However, he was less interested in law than in politics. Between 1904 and 1907 he was a member of the National Education Council, in 1906 he founded the Independent Youth League , between 1908 and 1910 he was Attorney General, in 1913 he became a member, 1918 President of the House of Representatives, in 1920 Minister of the Interior, in 1924 a member again and on August 15, 1928 President. When several participants were shot dead by the police in a student protest in front of the government palace on October 31, 1931, Guggiari called on Congress to initiate a lawsuit against him. During the trial, Vice President Emiliano González Navero took office until Guggiari was acquitted in January of the following year. His term of office ended on August 15, 1932. Under his government, the National Defense Council was founded, the Archdiocese of Asunción was created in the country , university reforms were carried out and faculties of dentistry and economics opened.

When the revolution broke out on February 17, 1936, Guggiari went into exile in Argentina. He lived first in Formosa , later in Buenos Aires . When President Higinio Morínigo made a turn to democracy in 1946, Guggiari returned to Paraguay. The democratic awakening lasted only six months and Guggiari went into exile again in Buenos Aires, where he died on October 29, 1957.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. José Patricio Guggiari - Datos biográficos , accessed on March 27, 2019 (Spanish).
  2. Biografías y Vidas - José Patricio Guggiari , accessed on March 27, 2019 (Spanish).
  3. Mariano Llano: José Patricio Guggiari , accessed on March 28, 2019 (Spanish).
predecessor Office successor
Eligio Ayala President of Paraguay
Eusebio Ayala