Josef Gammel

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Josef Gammel (born August 13, 1901 , † September 21, 1959 near Landersdorf ) was a German Catholic clergyman and local researcher.

Gammel was ordained priest in 1926 in Freising Cathedral . From 1931 to 1943 he was a cooperator in Dorfen and then took over the pastor's position at the parish church of St. Georg in Oberdorfen . In September 1959 he was killed in a traffic accident.

In addition to his pastoral work, Gammel created an extensive work on the history of the local area, which is dedicated to local and local history and religious life in villages.

Gammel was also the most important local researcher in the Dorfen area. Since 1934 he published his research in Dorfener Intelligenzblatt . These deal with the history of places, houses, churches and pilgrimages in the (then) market village of Dorfen , as well as the history of the branches of the two parishes in which it is looked after. In addition, he wrote articles on the history of the two court markets Babing and Inning (today's Moosinning ) as well as the disappeared noble seats Gschlössl Lindum and Zeilhofen . He also wrote the history of the former Dorfen district court. Albrecht Gribl published a summary of the work.


  • Moosinning in the past and present. Erding 1929
  • Sons and daughters of the parishes of Dorfen and Oberdorf in the priestly and religious status. Oberdorfen 1950
  • Zeilhofen in old and new times. Oberdorfen 1953
  • Albrecht A. Gribl (Hrsg.): Dorfener Land in historical pictures. The work of the local history researcher Pastor Josef Gammel (1901-1959) . Präbst, Dorfen 1980, ISBN 978-3926390004 .