Josef Wennemann

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Josef H. Wennemann (* 1926 in Höxter ) is a German doctor.


From 1966 until his retirement in 1991, Wennemann was chief physician of the gynecological department of the St. Sixtus Hospital in Haltern am See . During his time as chief physician, he initiated several development aid projects aimed at improving medical care in third world countries . Among other things, in 1987 he initiated the collection campaign “A Cow for Brazil”, which supports the establishment and maintenance of the Santo Antônio hospital for the poor in Sinop ( Mato Grosso / Brazil ). Since 1994 he has been working as a medical advisor for the drug aid organization action medeor . At the end of the 1990s he started a leprosy project in Bolivia . By 2001, he collected more than 600,000 euros for his projects. That year he founded the non-profit Dr. Josef H. Wennemann Foundation , which is particularly intended to ensure the continued existence of the hospital in Sinop.

From 1993 to 2002 he was Vice President of the Latin America Center .


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