Josep Coll Bardolet

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Josep Coll i Bardolet (* 1912 in Campdevànol , Catalonia ; † July 30, 2007 in Valldemossa , Mallorca ) was a Spanish painter .

His numerous watercolors , etchings , oil paintings and gouaches , most of which show an impressionistic style, are now exhibited in the cultural foundation, Fundació Cultural Coll Bardolet , in Valldemossa. He signed his works with Coll Bardolet . While still alive, the artist donated part of his works and his private collection to make these works accessible to the island's residents and visitors.


At the age of 15 his family moved to Vic ( Barcelona ), where Coll Bardolet started drawing at the local school. He worked as a painter and decorator and had his first exhibition in 1931. 1935 Coll Bardolet began studying landscape painting at the Olot High School . From 1936 to 1939 during the war he moved to France. He lives in Tours and studied at the local art school. In 1938 he studied with Professor Alfred Bastien at the art school in Brussels before he found his new home on the Balearic island of Mallorca in 1940. Coll Bardolet lived in the “Hotel del Artista” in Valldemossa for a few years . In the years 1944 to 1962, exhibitions in Barcelona, ​​Palma, Brussels, Oslo and travels across Europe followed.

In 1964 he founded the concert series in the Torrente de Pareis , which continues annually to this day. From 1968 to 1972 Josep Coll i Bardolet received the medal for services to tourism in the Balearic Islands and became a member of the San Sebastián Academy of Art, Palma. The government of the French Republic appointed him Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres . In 1987 he was made an honorary citizen of Valldemossa. The municipality named a street ( Calle Josep Coll Bardolet ) in his honor.

In 1988 he was appointed Cantaire d'honor (honorary singer) of the University Choir of the Balearic Islands and the inauguration of the Coll Bardolet art gallery in Campdevànol (Girona). From 1989 to 1993 he received the Creu de Sant Jordi (George Cross) from the Catalan government. The Belgian royal family appointed him Chevalier de l'Ordre de la Couronne .

From 1995 to 2002 the new Coll Bardolet room in the Museum of Lluc and the Coll Bardolet room in El Sucre de Vic were inaugurated. Exhibitions in Paris and Tours also took place during this period . After the Fundació Cultural Coll Bardolet was founded in 2005 , the inauguration and opening of the Coll Bardolet Foundation took place in 2007 in the municipality where he died that same year. In addition to the works from the company's own fund, other cultural activities are organized in the rooms that serve to promote the arts. The foundation is supported by the Govern de les Illes Balears , the Consell de Mallorca and the municipality of Valldemossa .


  • Coll Bardolet, Josep and Rafael Manzano: El Alma del Paisaje · The soul of the landscape. Palma 1992.

Individual evidence

  1. Felio J Bauzá Martorell, J Coll Bardolet, Norberto Alcover Ibáñez: Hotel del artista: Valldemossa 1943–1966. , José J. de Olañeta, Palma de Mallorca 2006, ISBN 978-84-9716-494-8 .

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