Josep Maria Quadrado

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Josep Maria Quadrado i Nieto (born June 14, 1819 in Ciutadella , Menorca ; † July 6, 1896 in Palma , Mallorca ) was a Spanish historian , writer and publicist and an important critic of Catalan literature and a member of the Commission for Historical and Artistic Landmarks of the Balearic Islands ( Comissió de Monuments Històrics i Artístics de les Balears ).


Cover by Recuerdos y bellezas de España. Castilla La Nueva (1853).

Shortly after his birth, his family moved to Palma de Mallorca, where he attended the Jesuit school collegi de Montision dels jesuïtes until he was 14 . During his school days he wrote poetry, plays and published articles in the Spanish press.

In 1839 six volumes of his first work appeared. In 1840 he founded the magazine La Palma, Setmanari d'història i literatura together with Tomàs Aguiló i Forteza , and Antonio Montis . In 1841 he was also involved as an editor in other magazines such as Museo Balear , Bolletí de la Societat Arqueològica Lulliana .

In 1842 he moved to Madrid and wrote publications there at the theological college. At the end of 1845 he returned to Mallorca, where he was appointed archivist of the historical archive of Mallorca ( l'Arxiu Històric de Mallorca ). The office was held until the end of 1895.

He took an active part in the campaign for religious unity in 1855 and wrote articles on the subject for the daily Diario de Palma . In 1868 he particularly advocated freedom of religious practice, from 1870 to 1872 he organized one of the largest collections of signatures in the Balearic Islands , which became known as "The Catholic Unity".

In 1871 he translated numerous works by Gai Saber for the bourgeois poets Consistori de la Gaya Ciencia in Catalonia .


  • 1844 Dos palabras sobre el título La fe · Fe religiosa · Fe política · Fe literaria

Literature about Josep Maria Quadrado

  • 1895 José María Quadrado Nieto en el Diccionario Enciclopédico Hispano-Americano
  • 1919 Centenario de Quadrado, 1819-1919 . Colección de artículos publicados con motivo del primer centenario del nacimiento de José María Quadrado, Ciudadela (Menorca) 1919.
  • 1919 Homenaje a D. José María Quadrado , Sociedad Española de Excursiones, Madrid 1919.
  • 1919 D. José María Quadrado: sus grandes dotes intelectuales y morales, riqueza doctrinal de sus obras ascéticas . Conferencia pronunciada el día 15 de april de 1919 en el Museo Diocesano de Palma de Mallorca, Establecimiento tipográfico de Mariano Galve, Barcelona 1919.
  • 1920 Homenaje a la gloriosa memoria del polígrafo balear D. José María Quadrado , Tipografía de Amengual y Muntaner, Palma de Mallorca 1920.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Josep Maria Quadrado i Nieto in Enciclopedia Catalan