Josep Vallribera

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Josep Vallribera (born October 17, 1937 in Juneda near Lleida in Catalonia ) is a Catalan artist.


Josep Vallribera was born in Juneda (Lleida), Catalonia, during the Spanish Civil War in 1937 , the son of a photographer from Barcelona and a farmer's daughter from Juneda. At the end of the war the family moved to Les Borges Blanques, where he was sent to the Capuchin School at the age of six. In 1945 the family moved to Barcelona, ​​where he attended the Academia Catalunya and took part in intensive drawing courses. At the age of 14 he moved with his family to the island of Ibiza ( Eivissa in Catalan ), where he attended high school.

He postponed his military service in order to do an apprenticeship at the Schwerer photography school in Hamburg, which he began with a trip to Sweden from late 1958 to early 1959. Since Josep Vallribera had already received a very good photographic education from his father, he was able to work as a freelance photographer on the side.

In 1963 Josep Vallribera returned to Ibiza, where he opened the Galería Grafica , but at the same time also worked with artistic photos and painting. The works were shown in a collective for the first time in 1966 at a traveling exhibition through Europe under the title Arte figurativo en Ibiza . At that time, Ibiza was an artists' retreat. International artists from all areas such as B. Members of the artist group El Paso : Manuel Viola , Antonio Saura etc., Emilio Vedova , Corneille (artist group CoBrA ), Heinz Trökes , Orson Welles , Françesc Parserisas , Erwin Broner , Josep Lluís Sert and many others

Together with his father he opened the Galería Vallribera in 1967 and in 1969 with works by the French artist M. Macréau “The Inside Out Art Gallery”. Josep Vallribera intensified his own artistic work more and more. From 1963 to 1973 he went on a study trip to Paris for one month each spring and autumn. In 1973 Josep Vallribera left Ibiza. He first traveled to Aarhus, Denmark, for about a year, then six months to Munich and then to Austria, where he stayed in Innsbruck, Hall in Tirol, Steyr and Linz until 1980. At that time he was already living exclusively from painting. Then he came back to Germany, this time to Wetzlar, where he stayed for a year and a half. In the summer of 1982 he was drawn back south. He spent a year of intensive work and exhibitions in France. His studio was in Les Hautes Alpes. He then commuted between France and Spain until 1984. In 1984 Josep Vallribera decided to move back to Spain, but this time on the mainland on the Mediterranean coast.

He has lived and worked in La Pobla de Benifassà (Castelló) since 1998 , repeatedly interrupted by stays in Germany, France, Austria, etc. His work is internationally recognized.


For Vallribera, the plot is of the utmost importance; the fact of doing a work that complements the meaning of life and accompanies people in their development. A work that stimulates one to think about the real problems. His critical eye always sees all those little things that are often overlooked and to which we usually give no meaning. His gaze explores the secrets of the hidden and mysterious in search of an explanation of the riddle. Painting, sculpture, drawing, graphics, photography, action-performances and other artistic forms of expression constitute an indissoluble whole, which means that all of these disciplines represent a wide spectrum of creative expression.

Works (selection)

In Austria:

  • Tyrolean State Museum
  • Museum of the new gallery of the city of Linz (Lentos)
  • Museum of the City of Wiener Neustadt

In Germany:

In France:

  • Musée d'Art Moderne de Ceret
  • Musée d'Art Moderne St. Etienne
  • Musée de la Ville de Digne les Bains
  • Musee de Grenoble
  • Toulon Museum
  • Musee de Beziers
  • Fabregat Museum, Mâitre Rey Collection Foundation, Perpignan

In Spain:

  • Fundació Abel Matutes Eivissa
  • Museo Fl. de La Fuente, Huete-Cuenca
  • Escultura Hommenatge al Mediterrani , Altea
  • Museu d'Art Contemporani d'Eivissa
  • Museu d'Art Jaume Morera, Lleida
  • Museo de arte contemporáneo Florencio de La Fuente, Requena

Individual evidence

  1. Diccionario de pintores y escultores españoles del siglo XX . 1998.
  2. Diccionaris de Pintors, escultors, gravadors i dibuixants. L'art a la Lleida del sail XX . 2003.
  3. ^ Bénézit. Dictionary of Artists . 1999.


  • Josep Vallribera: Caps · Cabezas · Heads · Heads . Edicions H. Jenninger, La Pobla de Benifassà 2007, ISBN 978-84-931813-5-2 .
  • Paraules en Llibertat · Words in freedom. Edicions H. Jenninger, La Pobla de Benifassà 2007, ISBN 978-84-931813-7-6 .
  • Josep Vallribera: Pensant amb tu Pensando contigo Thinking with you Thinking with you . Edicions H. Jenninger, La Pobla de Benifassà 2007, ISBN 978-84-931813-6-9 .
  • Josep Vallribera: Poesía visual . Edicions H. Jenninger, La Pobla de Benifassà 2003, ISBN 84-931813-4-X .
  • Josep Vallribera: Obra Grafica 1976-98 . La Pobla de Benifassà 2000, ISBN 84-931813-1-5 .

Web links