Joseph Alexandre de Ségur

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Viscount de Ségur.png

Joseph Alexandre de Ségur (born April 14, 1756 in Paris , † July 27, 1805 in Bagnères-de-Bigorre ) was a French writer.

Joseph Alexandre de Ségur was one of the Counts of Ségur and brother of Louis Philippe Ségur .

He became maréchal de camp in 1788 , but imprisoned for a long time during the revolution; died on July 27, 1805 in Bagnères.

He published numerous comedies, operas and songs as well

  • "Correspondance secrète de Ninon de l'Enclos" (Par. 1790), the novel
  • "La femme jalouse" (das. 1791) and the script
  • "Les femmes, leur condition et leur influence dans l'ordre social etc." (das. 1803, 2 vol .; new edition 1835, 2 vol.)

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