Joseph Bodard

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Joseph Joël Bodard (born June 21, 1938 ) is a former French naval officer , who was most recently Rear Admiral (Vice-amiral) .


Joseph Joël Bodard joined the Navy in 1960 and trained as a naval officer at the École navale . On October 1, 1961, he was promoted to lieutenant at sea (Enseigne de vaisseau de deuxième classe) and subsequently served on board the flight deck cruiser and helicopter carrier Jeanne d'Arc . In 1963 he was promoted to first lieutenant at sea (Enseigne de vaisseau de première classe) and in May 1967 lieutenant captain (Lieutenant de Vaisseau) . He found numerous uses as a naval officer and was later promoted to corvette captain (Capitaine de Corvette) and frigate captain (Capitaine de Frégate) . On July 22, 1985 he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Legion of Honor . As a sea captain (Capitaine de Vaisseau) he was in command of the submarine attack group (Commandant les sous-marins d'attaque) . On December 20, 1989, he also received the Officer's Cross of the Ordre national du Mérite .

On October 19, 1990, Bodard was promoted to flotilla admiral (Contre-amiral) and on January 27, 1993, he was appointed inspector for nuclear weapons (Inspecteur des armements nucléaires) . On June 25, 1994, he was awarded the Officer's Cross of the Legion of Honor for his services . In this position he was promoted to Rear Admiral (Vice-amiral) on August 2, 1994 with effect from October 1, 1994 and retired from active military service on November 3, 1994. On February 22, 1995, he moved to the private security and military company Défense conseil international (DCI), which was the holding company made up of the Compagnie Française d'Assistance Spécialisée (COFRAS), Société Navale Française de Formation et de Conseil (NAVFCO), Air de Conseil (AIRCO) and DESCO. On November 26, 2004, he became a member of the Board of Directors of the Direction des Constructions Navales (DCN), a shipbuilding, defense and renewable marine energies company that formed the Naval Group in 2017 . On May 5, 2007, he became representative of the state in the Direction des Constructions Navales . On November 5, 2013, he was also commander of the Ordre national du Mérite. He was president of the marine aid organization ADOSM (Association pour le Développement des Œuvres Sociales de la Marine) and is currently an honorary member of this organization.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Au conseil des ministres. Le général Yves Aubert reçoit sa quatrième étoile . In: Le Monde of January 22, 1993
  2. Décret du 27 juillet 1994
  3. Décret du 4 November 2013
  4. Homepage of the ADOSM