Joseph Breitkopf-Cosel

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Joseph Breitkopf-Cosel: Last Refuge

Joseph Breitkopf-Cosel (* 1876 in Borislawitz , Cosel district , Silesia; † July 18, 1927 in Berlin ) was a German sculptor and professor in Berlin.

First he learned in Gleiwitz at the church art workshop of the Munich school. Then he began to study art in Berlin. From 1900 he was a teacher at the School of Applied Arts in Charlottenburg for three years. As an honorary member of the Oberschlesisches Museum in Gleiwitz, he donated several works to it. He was also a member of the Federation for Fine Arts in Upper Silesia .


Breitkopf-Cosel designed the Waidmannslust anniversary fountain (1925). His marble sculpture “Last Refuge” was shown in 1906 at the Great Berlin Art Exhibition . After his death it came to the cemetery of the St. Matthias parish as his grave monument . He also created on behalf of the Prussian government for the Kgl. For the deaf and dumb institution in Neukölln the high relief "Enlightenment" and for the Spandau grammar school the figurative groups "Gelehrsamkeit" and "Weltkunde" as well as in the First World War the draft for the iron medal Military Preparation of Youth .

Other works:

  • Bronze sculpture of a railroad worker
  • David with the harp
  • Portrait sculpture by Liszt
  • Dante statuette made of bronze
  • Disciples of Emmaus (relief on the altar of St. Antonius Church in Berlin-Oberschöneweide)
  • Anniversary medal of the city of Gliwice in 1913
  • Portrait plaque of the philologist Gustav Uhlig
  • Singing boy
  • Shawm blowers
  • World studies
  • Children's fountain
  • Group Every beginning is difficult
  • Queen Luise, as a stone figure at the Queen Luise Church in Berlin-Waidmannslust, the model received the museum in Gleiwitz
  • Honorary monument on the Hohen Peißenberg in Upper Bavaria
  • Shawm blower fountain in Hirschberg
  • As well as works in Breslau, Tarnowitz, Festenberg and Darmstadt


  • Upper Silesia in the picture, 1927, No. 51 , Gleiwitz 1927

Web links

Commons : Joseph Breitkopf-Cosel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Kirchhof St. Matthias Parish - Prof. Josef Breitkopf Cosel I. Retrieved on April 28, 2020 .
  2. ^ German Society for Medal Art. Accessed April 28, 2020 .
  4. Christian art . Monthly for all areas of Christian art and art history , 12th year 1915/16, p. 159
  5. Figure ( Memento from June 10, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) (No. 776)
  6. ^ Acquisitions by the museum in Cosel