Joseph Durandy

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Newspaper photo of the bust of Joseph Durandy, published in Le Petit Niçois on November 29, 1908

Joseph Durandy (born March 6, 1834 in Guillaumes , Nice county , † August 11, 1912 in Borgo San Dalmazzo , Italy ) was a French engineer and politician.

After graduating from the University of Turin in 1857, he was sent to Sicily with a commission of engineers in 1860, where he was supposed to take part in building a railway network on the island.

In 1859 he turned to politics and was appointed Conseiller général des Canton Guillaumes . In 1882 he was elected President of the Conseil général of Alpes-Maritimes .

He was also Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Caisse de Crédit and the Société du Gaz in Nice , President of the liquidation committees of the Société Immobilière in Nice and the Société Immobilière du Cercle de la Méditerranée.

As an engineer in the service of the city of Nice, he initiated numerous projects, including the Canal de la Vésubie and the Nice – Digne-les-Bains and Nice – Cuneo railway lines .

As a man respected throughout the department, he was made a knight in 1860 and an officer of the Legion of Honor in 1910. He was also the bearer of the Knightly Order of St. Mauritius and Lazarus and the Order of the Crown of Italy .


  • 1859–1890: General Council of the Canton of Guillaumes
  • 1882–1890: President of the Conseil général of Alpes-Maritimes


  • Marguerite Isnard, Roger Isnard: Joseph Durandy (March 16, 1934–1912) . In: Nouvel almanach du comté de Nice: memoria e tradicioun . Serre, Nice 2006, ISBN 2-86410-461-X , pp. 88 (French, ).
  • Denis Andreis, Walter Cesana: Joseph Durandy (Guillaumes 1834 - Borgo San Dalmazzo 1912): Presidente del Consiglio Generale delle Alpi Marittime e pioniere della regione transfrontaliera tra Nizza e Cuneo (=  Saggistica storia territorio . No. 40 ). Nerosubianco, Cuneo 2012, ISBN 978-88-98007-04-2 (Italian).

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predecessor Office successor
François Malausséna President of the Conseil général of Alpes-Maritimes
Maurice Rouvier