Joseph Geiger

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Joseph Geiger (born March 20, 1810 in Fischamend ; † December 30, 1861 in Vienna ) was an Austrian pianist , piano teacher and composer .


Little is known about the life of the violinist, who was born in Fischamend in Lower Austria . He was trained in Vienna and later became a piano teacher in high aristocratic circles. From 1840 he taught the family of Archduke Franz Joseph (who later became Emperor). Because of this position, he was a sought-after music teacher and composer in Vienna.

Joseph Geiger was the father of the piano prodigy and later pianist and composer Constanze Geiger (1835–1890).


Joseph Geiger composed numerous piano and church compositions (including a mass solennelle and a gradual ). Numerous works were published by Diabelli and Haslinger . An opera Wlasta performed in 1840 was just as unsuccessful as a symphonic poem by Kaiser Max performed on Martinswand in 1845 . Characteristic symphony-style tone painting , which Eduard Hanslick once called a "monster". In a comment in the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik about this work: " A pleasant event has just taken place. A Geiger symphony has been hissed out, and that in the presence of the very highest imperial court. [...] One believes not what machinations are used to keep the name "violinist" in constant memory. "


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Eduard Hanslick: History of concerts in Vienna , Vienna 1869, p. 355
  2. NZfM 25 (1846), p. 189