Joseph Lemling

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Joseph Lemling around 1860

Joseph Lemling (born January 17, 1825 in Marmagen , †  December 28, 1894 ibid) was a German photographer and pioneer of photo technology , author of numerous specialist publications on photo technology and practice. In 1846 he developed the first photographic positive process with iodized silver paper .


Joseph Lemling (also Lemmling) was born on January 17, 1825 in Marmagen. His parents were the dealer Johann Lemling from Sülm and Anna Maria Romag from Schwammert near Müllenborn . Joseph Lemling married Gertrud Heihs from Urft in 1872 and had three children with her. He lived in Marmagen, where his parents ran a grocer, and had his own photo workshop in his home called “In den Höfe”. He died on December 28, 1894 in Marmagen.

With such a daguerreotype camera, Joseph Lemling took the first photographs of the Eifel around 1850
Gemünd (Eifel) 1855 Daguerreotype by Josef Lemling
With the help of the Photoverrit process, which he further developed, Lemling reproduced the image of his daughter Caroline twice on a tile

According to his own statements, Lemling began working as a photographer in 1846 at the age of 21. She took him on sometimes longer trips a. a. to Berlin , Vienna to Tehran , where he had a photo workshop in the Regent's Palace as the photographer of the Shah of Persia . As early as 1857, he offered his services as a photographer in an advertisement in the "Unterhaltungsblatt und Anzeiger für die Kreis Schleiden".

Joseph Lemling published his discoveries and experiences in the field of positive photographic processes in numerous publications. As a renowned photographer, he tried "to raise the intellectual and artistic level of a class that has become a purely handcraft". He "garnished" his technical articles with aphoristic rhymes, which earned him the nickname "poet photographer". He called himself the “inventor of new optical and mechanical engraving and printing processes”. The rigor of his presentation style, which his colleagues perceived as presumptuous, earned him severe criticism even during his lifetime.

The few surviving photographs by Joseph Lemling include the photograph of Gemünd (Urftbrücke) on the left, which is privately owned, and two views of the Eifel towns of Bitburg and Prüm preserved in the local history museum of the Eifelkreis Bitburg-Prüm. They are the oldest known recordings of the Eifel and date from the 1850s.


Joseph Lemling is considered to be one of the early pioneers in the field of positive photographic processes. From 1845 he experimented with different developing papers and discovered that the use of iodized silver paper made the photographs more durable. He reported on it for the first time in an article in the Photographisches Journal from 1858.


Title page of the most popular font by Josef Lemling
  • The practical photographer . Neuhoff, Braunschweig 1862.
  • The researcher in the whole field of practical photography . Heuser, Neuwied / Leipzig 1865.
  • New results and consequences for the practice of photography, lithography, copperplate printing etc. Neuwied / Leipzig, JH Heuser 'sche Buchhandlung, 1866.
  • The photoverrotype. The most recent advances in photography. A handbook for all thinking and forward-striving photographers, porcelain and glass painters, xylographers, lithographers, etc. Frethloh. Ludenscheid 1869.
  • The photoverrotype. The photoverrotype. Thorough and easily comprehensible instructions for learning about the photographic gelatin print shrouded in a deep, mysterious darkness under the names: collotype, glass printing, etc., one of the most important and useful discoveries and improvements for photographers and lithographers, etc., based on personal experience . Voigtländer. Ludenscheid 1870.
  • The photographer's friend . Heuser, Neuwied 1875.
  • Photography in the service of industry . Heuser, Neuwied / Leipzig 1884.
  • The latest discoveries and experiences in the entire field of practical photography . Heuser, Neuwied / Leipzig 1886.
  • The photochemist and the house industry. Thorough reports on the most important and indispensable optical-chemical aids, taking into account the proven advances in instant photography, enlargement and landscaping on paper to achieve useful originals for my practically proven engraving and printing processes, which all arts, sciences, etc., but especially the Small and domestic industries are absolutely necessary for their upswing, gathered from notes of personal experience , Volume II. W. Knapp, Halle as 1888.

Lemling was also a regular contributor to the following photographic magazines:

  • Photographic Journal , ed. v. Wilhelm Horn, 1858.
  • Photographisches Wochenblatt , ed. v. Wilhelm Horn, 1875.
  • Photographic correspondence from 1877–1884.
  • Eder's yearbook from 1888–1891.


  • Wolfgang Baier: Source representations on the history of photography . Fotokinoverlag, Leipzig 1964.
  • Alois Lemling: The poet photographer Joseph Lemling . In: Home calendar of the Eifelkreis Bitburg 2007.
  • Burkhard Kaufmann: Alois Lemling . In: Home calendar of the Eifelkreis Bitburg 2007.
  • Erich Stenger : From the early history of photography: Joseph Lemling, the poet photographer. In: Photo exchange 1928, Vol. 10.

Individual evidence

  1. Joseph Lemling. In: Adolf Hinrichsen: The literary Germany, 1891.
  2. Wolfgang Baier: Source representations for the history of photography. Fotokinoverlag, Leipzig 1964, p. 527 ff.
  3. Erich Stenger: From the early history of photography: Joseph Lemling, the poet photographer . In: Photo exchange 1928, Vol. 10.
  4. Joseph Lemling: Photography in the service of industry . Heuser, Neuwied and Leipzig 1884.
  5. Wolfgang Baier: Source representations for the history of photography. Fotokinoverlag, Leipzig 1964, p. 528.
  6. ^ Wilhelm Günther: Gemünder Stadtgeschichte in the mirror of old pictures. In: Local calendar of the Schleiden district 1968. Schleiden 1967.
  7. ^ Burkhard Kaufmann: Alois Lemling. In: Home calendar of the Eifelkreis Bitburg. 2007, p. 183 ff.
  8. Wolfgang Baier: Source representations for the history of photography . Fotokinoverlag, Leipzig 1964, p. 187.
  9. Photographic Journal . Published by Wilhelm Horn. Volume IX, 1858, p. 27.
  10. Alois Lemling: The poet photographer Joseph Lemling. In: Home calendar of the Eifelkreis. Bitburg 2007.