Juan José Millás

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Juan José Millás, 2008

Juan José Millás Garcia (born January 31, 1946 in Valencia , Spain ) is a Spanish writer.


The entire Millás family moved to Madrid in 1952 , where the writer spent most of his life. He dropped out of his third year studying philosophy and literature at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid . He took a job with the airline Iberia and did private reading and writing. His first works have not yet been published in German (December 2010), although his short novel Cerbero son las sombras from 1974 was awarded the Premio Sésamo and Millás became known to critics. This was followed Visión de ahogado (1977) and El jardín vacio (1981). Papel mojado from 1983 was published in 1987 under the same title in Germany. Since the 1980s he has also worked as a journalist in the press and television.

Millás has been married to Isabel Menéndez for the second time since 1987 and has a second child from this connection.

Honors and prizes

Works in German (selection)


  • Dale Knickerbocker: Juan José Millás: The Obsessive Aesthetic , Lang, New York / Frankfurt am Main 2003, ISBN 0-8204-6244-6 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. FAZ of November 16, 2010, p. 34: beginning of the performance